دار المعارف التعليمية
دار المعارف التعليمية
دار المعارف التعليمية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

دار المعارف التعليمية

ثقافى تعليمى تكنولوجى
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
أهلا من جديد يا زائر آخر زيارة لك لمنتدى دار المعارف التعليمية كانت في الأربعاء ديسمبر 31, 1969
آخر عضو مسجل اسلام سامي فمرحبا بك ، نورت منتدى دار المعارف يا لوول


  شرح وأسئلة على قصة اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى رحلة إلى مركز الأرض

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مس ريهام

المساهمات : 82
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/03/2010

 شرح وأسئلة على قصة اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى رحلة إلى مركز الأرض Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شرح وأسئلة على قصة اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى رحلة إلى مركز الأرض    شرح وأسئلة على قصة اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى رحلة إلى مركز الأرض Icon_participateالجمعة أكتوبر 12, 2012 11:26 am

Journey to the Centre of the Earth
رحلة إلى مركز الأرض
By: Jules Verne
About the Author: عن المؤلف

Jules Verne is a French writer. He was born in 1828, and he died in 1905. His novels were translated into many languages and were based on scientific advances that he thought would be made in the future.
He is the father of science fiction.

About the story: عن القصة

It is mixture of science, adventure and imagination. Professor Lidenbrock was a famous geologist in the 19th century. He had good reasons to believe that the inside of the earth was not hot and a journey to the center of the earth and back was possible. These reasons were based on scientific work.

The Places were incidents happened
Hamburg : هامبورج
A city in Germany. مدينة فى ألمانيا
Iceland: أيسلند
An island in the North Sea above Europe.
جزيرة فى بحر الشمال ( شمال غرب أاوروبا )
Reykjavik: ريكيافيك
The capital city of Iceland. عاصمة أيسلندا
Sneffels: سنيفلز
An extinct volcano in Iceland. بركان خامد
Scartaris: سكارتاريز
A high mountain in Iceland. جبل مرتفع فى أيسلندا
Copenhagen: كوبنهاجن
The capital city of Denmark. عاصمة الدانمارك
Stromboli: سترومبولى
A small island off the coast of southern Italy.
جزيرة صغيرة مقابلة للساحل الجنوبى لإيطاليا
San Vicenzo: سان فيشنزو
The largest town on Stromboli. أكبر مدينة فى جزيرة سترومبلى
Messina: مسينا
A port on the island of Sicily, Italy.
اسم ميناء فى جزيرة صقلية فى إيطاليا
Marseilles: مارسيه
A port on the southern coast of France.

1- Axel:
- He is the narrator of the story.
- He is the Professor's nephew and assistant.
- He lived with his uncle when his parents died.

2- Professor Lidenbrock:
- He was a famous scientist and geologist.
- He gave lectures in the University of Hamburg.
- He knew more about the Earth than any other
scientist, so they came to learn from him.

3- Martha:
- She was the Professor's cook.

4- Hans:
- He was a guide from Iceland.
- He was a big man. He moved slowly.
- He was calm and helpful.

5- Dr. Fridrikson:
- He was a scientist from Iceland.
- He arranged for a guide called Hans
to guide them during their journey.

came home عاد للمنزل Earth الأرض
early مبكراً geologist عالم جيولوجيا
excited منفعل scientist عالم
worried قلق puzzled تحير
dinner عشاء angry غاضب
ready جاهز soup شوربة
upstairs الدور العلوى rushed اندفع
voice صوت stare يحملق
enter يدخل secret code شفرة سرية
exclaimed صاح handwriting كتابة
translation ترجمة later بعد
century قرن own يمتلك
piece قطعة magnifying
glass عدسة مكبرة
parchment جلد للكتابة
picked up التقط discoveries اكتشافات
runes الحروف الايسلندية
القديمة hide يخفى
impatiently بدون صبر Latin اللاتينية
understand يفهم no sense بدون معنى
fist قبضة اليد starve يموت جوعاً
desk مكتب strange غريب

Professor Lidenbrock came home early and he was very excited. He entered his room and looked at an old book. This was a translation of a famous Icelandic book. A piece of parchment fell out of the book it was written in runes. Professor Lidenbrock couldn’t understand its writing. He called his nephew Axel who was his assistant. He told him that the book and parchment were not written in the same handwriting. He used a magnifying glass to make the letter bigger. He thought that the parchment was written by a famous Icelandic scientist called Arne Saknuessemm who wanted to hide his discovery but professor Lidenbrock insisted on discovering the secret.

Professor Lidenbrock
Axel and Martha the cook

Questions and answers:
1- Who was Professor Lidenbrock?
- He was a famous geologist and scientist.
- He gave lectures in the University of Hamburg.
2- Who is the narrator of this story?
- Axel, the Professor's nephew and assistant.
3- Why did Axel live with his uncle the Professor?
- Because his parents died.
4- Why did the Professor come home early?
- He found a fantastic old book.
5- Who was Martha?
- She was the Professor's cook.
6- Why was Martha worried?
- Because the dinner was not ready.
7- What was the old book the Professor found?
- It was a translation of a famous Icelandic book
which was written by Snorri Sturlasson.
8- What did the Professor find in the book?
- A piece of parchment with strange letters in it.
9- What did the Professor think about the writing
on the parchment ?
- At first, he thought it was written in runes.
( The old Icelandic alphabet ).
10- Why did the Professor think it was written by
the owner of the book?
- Because the book and the parchment were
not written in the same handwriting.

11- How did the Professor know the owner of the
of the book ?
- With the help of a magnifying glass, he read
the name Arne Saknussemm.
12- Who was Arne Saknussemm?
- He was a famous Icelandic scientist of the
16th century. He is the writer of the parchment
13- Why couldn’t the Professor understand the
- Because the letters were mixed up.
- It was written in a secret code.
14- What was the problem the Professor wanted
to find out?
- He wanted to know why Arne hid his discovery.
15- Why did Arne write the parchment in a secret code?
- To keep his discovery as a secret.
16- What did the Professor guess the writing on
the parchment was? Why?
- He guessed it was written in Latin because
scientists of the 16th century always wrote
about their discoveries in Latin.
17- Why did the Professor use a magnifying glass?
- To make the letters of the parchment bigger.
18- Why did Martha say, “He will starve “?
- Because the Professor didn't eat his dinner.
19- Why was the professor greatly excited?
- Because the letters couldn't make any sense.

Completion and Answers:
1- Axel lived with his uncle the Professor when …..
his parents died.
2- Professor Lidenbrock was …….
a famous scientist in the University of Hamburg.
3- Martha was worried because …………
the dinner wasn't ready yet.
4- Professor Lidenbrock was so famous that ……
geologists came from all over the world to
learn from him.
5- Axel was proud to be his uncle's assistant ……
because he was a famous geologist.
6- At first, the Professor thought the parchment …
was written in runes.
7- The message on the parchment was written by
Arne Saknussemm.
8- To make the letters bigger, the Professor used ..
a magnifying glass.
9- Although the Professor knew runes and Latin …
he couldn't understand the parchment.
10- The Professor couldn't understand the message…
because it was written in a secret code.
11- Arne wrote his message in a secret code to…
keep his discovery secret.
12- The Professor decided not to eat or sleep …..
until he had discovered the secret code.

A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did the Professor come back home early?
2- Who was Martha?
3- When was the book written?
4- Who was Axel?
5- Who was professor Lidenbrock?
6- What did the professor think about the writing
on the parchment?
7- What were runes?
8- Who was Arne Saknussemm?
9- Who was Snorri Sturlasson?
10- Why did the professor use a magnifying glass?
11- Why couldn't the professor understand the
writing on the parchment?
B) Complete the following sentences:
1- Martha was worried because …………
2- Martha was…………
3- Axel lived with his uncle because …………
4- Axel was proud of his uncle because…………
5- Professor Lidenbrock guessed that the message
was not written in Icelandic because...
6- The old book which the professor found was …
7- Arne Saknussemm was the............... of the book
and the…................. of the parchment.
8- Professor Lidenbrock was …………
9- To make the letters bigger, the Professor used…
10- The Professor found …………. In the old book.

arrange يريب appeared ظهر
formed يكون ، يشكل couch أريكة
possible ممكن woke up استيقظ
impossible مستحيل follow يتتبع
combination مجموعة footsteps خطوات
felt شعر passed مر
breathe يتنفس change my
mind أغير رأيى
fan يهوى بالمروحة
back × front خلف × أمام shook هز
crater فوهة البركان shadow ظل
imagine يتخيل touch يلمس
break يكسر pack يحزم أمتعة
spread ينشر danger خطر
managed to نجح فى bring يحضر
frightened خائف atlas أطلس الخرائط
brave شجاع map خريطة
find out يكتشف mountain جبل
return يعود volcano بركان
fire نار extinct خامد
burn يحرق erupted ثار البركان
lead يؤدى cast يلقى - يرمى

Axel tried to study the parchment. He saw some Latin words which he knew. Then, he had broken the secret code, and he understood all of it. He didn’t want to tell his uncle that he understood what was written on the parchment because his uncle would do that dangerous journey and take Axel with him. He tried to burn the parchment but he couldn't. Then he felt sorry for his uncle, so he told him that he knew the secret of the parchment. When his uncle read the words on the parchment, he jumped to his feet. He told Axel to bring him the atlas. Then to pack the boxes. He decided to go to Iceland, and then to Sneffels, the extinct volcano. He told Axel to go with him.

Questions and answers:
1- Who broke the secret code?
- Axel broke the secret code.
2- What did Axel do to understand the parchment?
- He tried every combination of letters, to form
Latin words.
3- How could Axel break the secret code?
- By chance, when he fanned himself, he saw
some Latin words which he knew.
4- How did Axel feel when he read the message?
- He was surprised and frightened.
5- Why didn't Axel want to tell his uncle that he
knew the secret?
- Because he was sure that his uncle would
make this dangerous journey.
6- Who was going to burn the parchment? Why?
- Axel. Because he didn't want his uncle to
make this journey.
7- Why couldn't Axel burn the parchment?
- Because his uncle entered the room when he
was going to burn it.
8- Why did Axel tell his uncle about the secret?
- Because he felt sorry for his uncle who didn't
eat or sleep to know the secret message.
9- What was the secret message?
- Go down into the crater of Sneffels which the shadow of
Scartaris touched before July, he would reach the centre
of the earth.

10- What decision did the professor make?
- He decided to make the journey to the
centre of the earth.
11- Why did Axel believe that the journey was
- He believed the centre of the earth was hot.
12- What was Sneffels?
- An extinct volcano. It hadn't erupted since 1229.
13- Why did the Professor say that Axel was a
clever boy?
- Because he broke the secret message.
14- Why did the Professor think that Sneffels was
an extinct volcano?
- Because it hadn't erupted since 1229.
15- Why did the Professor ask Axel to bring the atlas?
- To show him the places Arne had written
about on the map.
16- How was the Professor before knowing the
secret code?
- He was very puzzled and angry. He decided
not to eat or sleep until he broke the secret.
17- Why was Axel against the journey?
- Because it was very dangerous and he
thought the centre of the earth was very hot.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مس ريهام

المساهمات : 82
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/03/2010

 شرح وأسئلة على قصة اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى رحلة إلى مركز الأرض Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح وأسئلة على قصة اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى رحلة إلى مركز الأرض    شرح وأسئلة على قصة اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الاعدادى رحلة إلى مركز الأرض Icon_participateالجمعة أكتوبر 12, 2012 11:27 am

Completion and Answers:
1- Axel tried to arrange the parchment’s letters
So that ……….
he could break the secret code.
2- Axel was able to break the secret code when..
he read two Latin words that he knew.
3- Although Axel had broken the secret code …
he didn't want to tell his uncle.
4- To stop his uncle from reading the parchment,
Axel was about ……
to burn it.
5- Axel thought It would be impossible to travel to
the center of the Earth because ……
he thought it was very hot.
6- Only one crater of Sneffels leads to …
the centre of the earth.
7- Sneffels was …….
an extinct volcano that hadn't erupted since 1229.
8- The Professor told Axel that he was clever
because …..
he broke the secret code.
9- The Professor jumped to his feet when ………..
Axel told him the secret code.
10- After the Professor had known the secret he ...
decided to go to the centre of the earth.
11- Scartaris casted its shadow over ……
the crater that led to the centre of the earth.

A) Answer the following questions:
1- Who broke the secret code? How?
2- What was the secret message?
3- How many craters did Sneffels have?
4- How many craters led to the center of the earth?
5- How did they know the right crater?
6- Why did Axel try to burn the parchment?
7- Could Axel burn the parchment? Why?
8- What made Axel tell his uncle the secret?
9- What decision did the professor make?
10- When would they start their journey?

B) Complete the following sentences:
1- Axel tried to arrange the parchment’s letters to ……………………………………………..…………….…
2- When Axel saw some Latin words crater of the earth, he ………………………………………………….
3- Although Axel had broken the secret code, he …………………………………………………………...…
4- In order to stop his uncle from reading the message, Axel was about to …………………………
5- The professor would do the same if he …………
6- Sneffels was not dangerous because …………..
7- The Professor decided not to eat or sleep until he

prepare يجهز farmhouse منزل ريفى
guns بنادق inlet خليج صغير
tools أدوات tide مد - جزر
instruments أجهزة waste time يضيع وقت
mad مجنون refuse يرفض
nodded أومأ lava حمم بركانية
cellar سرداب sharp rocks صخور حادة
farther أبعد hurt يجرح
set off يبدأ رحلة twist يلف
steamer باخرة steam بخار
Danish دانماركى shot up إندفع لأعلى
introduction تقديم spring ينبوع - عين
rough خشن أو هائج bare ملساء - جرداء
voyage رحلة بحرية fears مخاوف
explore يستكشف prove يبرهن
ground أرض terrible dream حلم مزعج
geology جيولوجيا explosion انفجار
guide مرشد - يرشد rocket صاروخ
pack يحزم الأمتعة climb يتسلق
see off يودع thin air هواء خفيف
path ممر above× below أعلى × أسفل
coast ساحل peaks قمم
bleak بارد camp يعسكر
grass عشب cone قمع
lonely منعزل descend يهبط
ropes حبال chimney شق فى الجبل

Professor Lidenbrock and Axel packed guns, tools and instruments into their boxes. Then, they set off their journey they reached Copenhagen. A Danish scientist gave them letters of introduction to Dr Fridrikson who told them that Iceland had many volcanoes which had been explored. He told them that Sneffels had not erupted for the last six hundred years. A guide called Hans took them to Sneffels. They left Reykjavik the capital of Iceland, and crossed the countryside. The Icelanders were helpful and kind to them. They travelled through beds of lave and sharp rocks. Axel was full of fear and he dreamed that he was inside a volcano. They climbed Sneffels. They reached its top and camped at the edge of the crater. It was very high and they used ropes to descend. At the bottom of the crater there were three chimneys. Professor Lidenbrock saw a large rock with the letters A. S on it. They spelled the name of Arne Saknussemm. Professor Lidenbrock and Axel had to discover which of the three chimneys Arne Saknussemm had descended.

Questions and answers:
1- What did they prepare for the journey?
- Guns, tools and scientific instrument.
2- How did they travel to Copenhagen?
- By steamer.
3- Who did they meet in Copenhagen?
- A Danish scientist.
4- How did the Danish scientist help them?
- He gave them letters of introduction to the
important men in Iceland.
5- How did they go to Iceland?
- They sailed.
6- Who did the Professor meet in Iceland?
- Dr. Fridrikson.
7- How was Dr. Fridrikson helpful to them?
- He arranged for a guide to help them.
- He gave them information about Iceland.
8- What was the first part of their journey to Sneffels?
- It was the countryside الريف.
9- What difficulties did they face?
- They had to cross inlets or wait until the tide is out.
10- Why was the Professor seasick? مصاب بدوار البحر
- Because the sea was rough.
11- How were the Icelanders helpful to them?
- They gave them food and drinks without money.
12- Why couldn't they breathe at the top of Sneffels?
- Because the air was thin..

13- How was the countryside of Iceland?
- It was bleak, no crops or animals. The grass
was yellow and there were rocks everywhere.
14- What shape was the crater of Sneffels?
- It was like an ice cream cone.
15- Where did they camp at the top of Sneffels?
- At the edge of the crater.
16- How did they descend to the bottom of the crater?
- By ropes.
17- What were Axel's fears about Sneffels?
- He thought perhaps the volcano wasn't extinct.
18- What was Axel's terrible dream?
- He dreamed that he was inside a volcano.
There was an explosion and he was shot up
out of the volcano like a rocket.
19- What did the Professor see on a rock?
- He saw the letters A.S.
20- What did the letters A.S refer to?
- They referred to Arne Saknussemm.
21- How many chimneys were there in the crater?
- Three chimneys.
22- Why couldn't they choose the right chimney?
- Because it was cloudy and there was no sun.
So, there was no shadow of Scartaris.

Completion and Answers:
1- Hans was ……….a guide from Iceland.
2- To make the journey to the centre of the earth
they took guns, tools and scientific instruments
3- They travel to Copenhagen by ….… steamer.
4- The Danish scientist gave the Professor ……
letters to the important men in Iceland.
5- The Professor told Dr. Fridrikson that ……
he was interested in Iceland's geology.
6- Dr. Fridrikson was ……. a scientist from Iceland.
7- Dr. Fridrikson arranged for a guide to …….
guide them to Sneffels.
8- Axel and the Professor like Hans because …..
he was calm and didn't say much .
9- The Icelanders were helpful to them because...
they gave them food and drinks for no money
10- They couldn't breathe at the top of Sneffels…..
because of the thin air.
11- The crater of Sneffels was shaped like……
an ice cream cone.
12- They descend the crater using ……… ropes.
13- At the bottom of the crater they found ……
three chimneys.
14- They hurt their legs when ………..
they walk on the beds of lava.
15- Axel was frightened to go down into Sneffels, so the Professor …. told him that it wouldn't erupt.

A) Answer the following questions:
1- How did they travel to Copenhagen?
2- Who did they meet in Copenhagen?
How did he help them?
3- Who was Dr Fridrikson?
4- Who was Hans?
5- How long did they take to climb Sneffels?
6- Why was it hard for them to breathe at the top
of Sneffels?
7- How was the crater of the Sneffels shaped?
8- How did the three men descend to the bottom
of the crater?
9- What were the marks that the Professor saw on
a large rock?
10- How did the Professor become sure that Arne
Saknussemm had been to Sneffels?
11- How many chimneys were there at the bottom
of the crater?
12- Which chimney would they descend to the
center of the Earth?
B) Complete the following sentences:
1- To prepare for the journey, they packed ………...
2- The Icelanders were kind because ………………..
3- Hans went with the professor and Axel to ………..
4- The professor and Axel liked Hans because …….
5- At the bottom of the crater there were ……..…….
6- Axel dreamed that ………………………………..…..

delay تأخير argue يتجادل
cover يغطى ray شعاع
bright ساطع sunlight ضوء الشمس
sunshine شروق الشمس sparkle يتلألأ
middle منتصف jewels مجوهرات
forward للأمام peaceful آمن – هادئ
tie يربط stage مرحلة
lean يستند على passage ممر
supplies مؤن main رئيسى
turn دور - يستدير flow ينساب
carefully بحرص freeze يتجمد
stuck out برز magnificent رائع
angle زاوية struggle يكافح
hold يمسك onwards للأمام
noise ضوضاء electric كهربى
loose rocks صخور مفككة torch مصباح
depth عمق cave كهف
narrower أضيق plenty of كثير من
midnight منتصف الليل wind blew هبت الرياح
descent نزول expect يتوقع
exhausted منهك – متعب underground تحت الأرض
examine يفحص springs ينابيع
right × wrong صحيح × خطأ so far حتى الآن
path ممر get through يجتاز
hesitate يتردد agree with يتفق مع
Pour يصب divide يقسم
On June 28th, the shadow of Scartaris fell on the middle of the three chimneys. They prepared to descend the chimney. They tied a long rope to the edge of the chimney and they descended carefully. At the bottom of the chimney, it was getting darker. It had been a long and tiring descent, and they were exhausted. Professor Lidenbrock said that the centre of the Earth can’t be hot as all scientists think. Then they set off on the next stage of the journey. They entered a small passage that led off to the right. When they left the main chimney, they saw the sky of Iceland for the last time. They saw the lava that flowed through the passage and formed strange shapes. They were in a cave and there was no air in it. Axel didn’t know where the air had come from. Axel was worried because they had use about half of their water. At the end of the passage, there were two paths, one going east, the other going west. Professor Lidenbrock took the eastern path. Axel and Hans followed him.

Questions and answers:
1- Why did the Professor wait 3 days at Sneffels?
- Because there were clouds and no shadow of
Scartaris to guide them.
2- Which chimney did they descend? Why?
- The middle one because the shadow fell on it.
3- How did Hans lower the supplies and tools?
- By a rope
- He put them in a bag and tied them to a rope.
4- How did they descend to the bottom of the
chimney? – By ropes.
5- How did the sharp rocks help them to descend?
- They used them to hold on as they descended
6- How could they find their way in the dark?
- They used an electric torch.
7- What did the Professor find out about the rocks?
- That the centre of the earth is not hot.
8- Why was the descent tiring?
- It took a long time because the chimney was
getting narrower and darker.
9- Where did they spend the night in the chimney?
- They stopped in a cave كهف
10- Why was Axel worried about water?
- Because they have used half their water and
there weren't any springs of water.
11- Which passage did they take in the chimney?
- The one that led to the right.

12- Which path did they take at the passage?
- The eastern path.
14- Why was the Professor sure that he was right
but other scientists were wrong?
- Because he examined the rocks and found
out that the centre of the earth is not hot.

Completion and Answers:
1- The clouds cover the sun for 3 days, so ……….
they had to delay their journey.
2- When the sun shone on 28th June, the shadow
of Scartaris …….. fell on the middle chimney
3- The rays of the sunlight made the lava walls …
sparkled like jewels.
4- They descended the chimney by …… a rope.
5- During their descent, they hold on to ……
the sharp rocks.
6- Axel knew that they had only enough water for
5 days, so ……. he was worried.
7- They stopped in a cave where there was …….
plenty of air.
8- The Professor was examining the rocks while …
they were descending the chimney.

A) Answer the following questions:
1- How long did the clouds cover the sun?
2- Why did they delay at Sneffels for 3 days?
3- How did they know which chimney to enter?
4- How did they descend to the bottom of the
5- How did they lower their supplies?
6- How did the torch help them?
7- Where did they spend their night?
8- What was the problem of water?
9- What did the Professor say about the heat there?
10- Where did they go after leaving the main

B) Complete the following sentences:
1- The Professor was angry at the delay because….
2- To lower the supplies, Hans used a ………..……….
3- The rocks looked like …………………………...…….
4- They took the passage which …………………...…..
5- It was strange that the cave ………………..………..
6- The Professor examined the rocks while ………….. …………………………………………………………..……..
7- They were tired when they were at the bottom of the chimney because

realize يدرك hissing sound صوت صفير
preserved محفوظ jet of water نافورة مياه
shell قوقعة dreadful thirst عطش شديد
insect حشرة burst out ينفجر
a mistake يخطئ nock down يطرح أرضاً
pain ألم
coal فحم boil × cool يغلى × يبرد
blank wall حائط مستوى taste better مذاقه أفضل
ahead أمام eager to مشتاق لـ
crossroads مفترق طرق steps خطوات
western غربى calculate يحسب
lift up يرفع position موقع
lip شفاة Atlantic Ocean المحيط الأطلنطى
save يوفر due to بسبب
drops قطرات increased متزايد
whisper يهمس air pressure ضغط الهواء
give up يقلع عن relieve يخفف
die يموت below أسفل
persuade يقنع surface سطح
loudest أعلى صوتاً light - lit يضئ / أضاء
pickaxe فأس – بلطة catch up with يلحق بـ
hole حفرة sign علامة
thick سميك bend ينحنى
impatient غير صبور was lost ضل طريقه
despair يأس dead end طريق مسدود
run against يصطدم بـ faint يغمى عليه
Professor Lidenbrock, Hans and Axel followed the eastern passage for three days, the path was going up, not down so they were tired. Some plants and animals were preserved in the rocks. This means that they taken the wrong path Axel was very thirsty, so his uncle gave him the last drops of water in his bottle. Axel couldn’t persuade his uncle to go back and give up the journey. Suddenly they heard the sound of water coming from an underground river. This water was very strong and hot. The path continued westward, and they started to go down again. The rocks were shaped like steps, so they descended quickly. The Professor used his scientific instruments to calculate their position. Suddenly Axel turned around and he didn’t find his uncle or Hans. He was lost, his torch fell down and it was broken. He ran back shouting like a madman. At last he fell on the floor and fainted.

Questions and answers:
1- Which passage did the Professor decide to follow?
- The eastern passage.
2- Why did Axel think that it is the wrong passage?
- Because it was going up not down. There were
younger rocks where plants and animals were
preserved in the rocks.
3- Why did they go back to the crossroads?
- Because they found a blank wall blocked their
way in the eastern passge.
4- What happened to Axel when they reached the
- He was tired and thirsty. He fell on the ground.
5- What did the Professor do to help Axel?
- He gave him the last drops of water.
6- Why did Axel want to give up this journey?
- Because there was no water. They would die.
7- What did the Professor promise to do if they didn't
find the water?
- He promised to give up the journey.
8- What was the difference between the eastern
passage and the western one?
- The eastern was going up but the western led
down. The rocks of the western were older.
9- What did they hear on the other side of the rock?
- the noise of running water.
10- Why did Hans make a hole in the rock?
- to get the water.

11- What did Hans use to make a hole in the wall?
- A pickaxe.
12- What happened to Hans when the water hit him?
- It knocked him down and he cried in pain.
13- Why did Hans cry in pain?
- Because the water was very hot. It was boiling.
14- What did they do when the water cooled?
- They drank and filled their bottles.
15- What did the Professor find out when he
calculated their position?
- That they were under the Atlantic Ocean.
16- Why did Axel feel a pain in his ears?
- Because of the increased air pressure.
17- What was the Professor's advice to Axel?
- He advised him to breathe quickly.
18- Where were they on the seventh of August?
- They were 125 km below the earth’s surface.
19- How did Axel lose his way?
- He was walking in front with the torch in his hand
Somewhere he had taken a wrong turning.
When he looked behind, he found himself alone
20- What happened to Axel when he got lost?
- He tried to find the Professor and Hans again. He
ran and cut himself then at last he fainted.

Completion and Answers:
1- Axel believed that they had taken the wrong
passage because ……….. he noticed animals
and plants preserved in the rock.
2- They got tired when they were in the eastern
passage because ……… it was going up.
3- They knew that they took the wrong passage
When …….. they found a blank wall.
4- Axel was so tired and thirsty that ……………
he fell to the ground.
5- When Axel fell to the ground, his uncle …………
gave him the last drops of water.
6- Hans cried out in pain when the water hit him
because ……… the water was boiling.
7- Hans hit the wall with his pickaxe to ………..
make a hole in the wall.
8- They decided to leave the hole in the wall to ….
show them the quickest way down.
9- To relieve the pain in his ear, the Professor told
Axel to ………. breathe quickly.
10- When Hans made a hole in the wall, ……………
a jet of boiling water burst out of the hole.

A) Answer the following questions:
1- How Did Axel feel when he had finished the
water in his bottle?
2- Why was Axel tired when he was walking in the
eastern passage?
3- What happened to Axel when he got too tired
and thirsty?
4- What did the Professor promise to do if they didn't
find water the next day?
5- Why did Axel think of giving up the journey?
6- When did Axel realize that they had taken the
wrong passage?
7- How could Hans make a large hole in the rock?
8- What did Hans do to get water?
9- How did the water taste?
10- What made them leave the hole as it was?
11- Why did the Professor ask Axel to breathe quickly?
12- What was preserved in the younger rocks?
13- What did the Professor use his instruments for?

B) Complete the following sentences:
1- The shell of an insect preserved in the rock meant ………….…………………………………………
2- Axel was tired and thirsty, so ……………..…..……
3- When they heard the noise of running water, …….……………………………………………………….…
4- They had to go back to the crossroads because

أسئلة من امتحانات المحافظات على القصة

1- A) Answer the following questions:
1- What was Professor Lidenbrock?
2- What did Professor Lidenbrock and Axel prepare for
their journey to centre of the Earth?
3- How could they descend to the bottom of the crater?
4- Why was it getting darker and darker as they went down
the chimney?
B- Complete the following:
1- Professor Lidenbrock couldn't understand the writing on
the parchment because ……………………………………..…
2- While they were going down the crater, Axel was worried
about ………………………………………………………………..

2 - A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Axel live with uncle?
2- Were the Icelanders helpful? How?
3- What was Hans?
4- Why did Axel ask his uncle to give up the journey?
B- Complete the following:
1- In order to stop his uncle from reading the message, Axel
was about to ……………...........................................................
2- They found their way in the darkness by …………………….

3 - A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Axel ask his uncle to give up the journey?
2- Why couldn't the Professor understand the message on
the parchment?
3- Who broke the secret code of the parchment? How?
4- How was Dr. Fridrikson helpful to the professor?

B- Complete the following:
1- Axel came to live with his uncle when ………………………..
2- The Icelanders were kind people because ………………….

4- A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why couldn't Professor Lidenbrock read the writing on
the parchment?
2- What made Axel feel worried about making the
journey with his uncle?
3- How was Hans helpful?
4- When was the professor sure that Arne Saknussemm
had been to the centre of the Earth?
B- Complete the following:
1- The men could descend to the bottom of the crater
2- When Axel got lost in the western path, he ………………….

5- A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Axel ask his uncle to give up the journey?
2- Why couldn't the professor understand the message on
the parchment?
3- How did Axel and the professor travel to Iceland?
4- How was Dr. Fridrikson helpful to the professor?
B- Complete the following:
1- Axel came to live with uncle when …………………………...
2- The Icelander were kind people because ………..………….

6- A) Answer the following questions:
1- What are the Runes written on the parchment?
2- Why didn't Axel want to tell his uncle that he knew the
secret of the message?
3- What did Professor and Axel prepare for the journey?

4- How did Axel feel when his uncle didn't find any water?
B- Complete the following:
1- Sneffels was a huge mountain. It has several craters. Only
one leads to………………………………………………………
2-Axel thought that they had taken the wrong path

7- A) Answer the following questions:
1- Who was able to break the secret code?
2- How did the Danish scientist help Professor Lidenbrock?
3- Why did Hans cry out in pain when the water hit him?
4- What was the effect of the increased air pressure on Axel?
B- Complete the following:
Professor Lidenbrock was so famous that……………………….
The Icelanders were kind people because…………………..…
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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