دار المعارف التعليمية
دار المعارف التعليمية
دار المعارف التعليمية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

دار المعارف التعليمية

ثقافى تعليمى تكنولوجى
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
أهلا من جديد يا زائر آخر زيارة لك لمنتدى دار المعارف التعليمية كانت في الأربعاء ديسمبر 31, 1969
آخر عضو مسجل اسلام سامي فمرحبا بك ، نورت منتدى دار المعارف يا لوول


 المراجعة العامة والنهائية فى مادة اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الأول الإعدادى الفصل الدراسى الأول

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مس ريهام

المساهمات : 82
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/03/2010

المراجعة العامة والنهائية فى مادة اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الأول الإعدادى الفصل الدراسى الأول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: المراجعة العامة والنهائية فى مادة اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الأول الإعدادى الفصل الدراسى الأول   المراجعة العامة والنهائية فى مادة اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الأول الإعدادى الفصل الدراسى الأول Icon_participateالجمعة أكتوبر 12, 2012 6:02 pm

المراجعة العامة والنهائية فى مادة اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الأول الإعدادى الفصل الدراسى الأول
Write questions using the words in brackets 1-Ahmed lives in Mahallet Bisher.(where) ……… ………………………………………………………………………….
2-He was busy so he didn’t watch the film .(why )
3-She couldn’t buy the dress because it was expensive .(where)
4-My father starts work at eight o’clock .(when )
5-This mobile costs four thousand pounds.(how much)
6-This ball is made of plastic . (what )
7-this box floats on water because it is made of wood .(Why )
8-pupils do experiments in science lab . (where )
9If you put apiece of wood in water it will float . (what)
10-My watch is shaped like a circle . (what)
11-We need many things for experiment. (what)
12-The science teacher usually does experiments . (who)
13-Tourists come to Egypt to enjoy the treasures(Why) ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 14-Tourists stay in comfortable hotels . (where) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
15-They will see the famous Giza Pyramids . (What) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
16-on Friday they will visit the temple of Karnak. (When) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
17-Egypt is famous for the great Pyramids. (What) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
18-Walaa gets up at seven o’clock . (when ) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
19-The boy swerved to miss the woman . (why) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
20- Last night I had a bad dream . (when) …… ………………………………………………. 21- Lamiaa bought seven books .(How many) ……………………………………………………………………………….
22-Yasmeen goes to Cinema Once a month. (How often) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
23- Classroom two is upstairs. (Where) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
24- Nabil is playing football. (What) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
25- The children are playing in the playground. (Where) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
26- Yoka was riding on an elephant near a big river. (Where) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
27-I am laughing because the cat is chasing a mouse. (Why) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
28- Amira is looking at the picture. (Who) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
29- Yesterday we had science, Arabic and maths.(What lesson ) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
30- My first day at school was OK. (How) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
31- Fayeoseliked English because her teacher was very good. (Why) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
32-1 did my homework yesterday after school.(What) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
33- The bank is opposite to the cinema . (Where) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
34- My favourite subject is English. (What) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
35- Yara is from Egypt. (Where) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
36- My holiday is on Friday. (When) …………………………………………………………………………………………….
37-I’m twelve years old. (How) …………………………………………………….
38-I was born in Tanta. (Where) ……………………………………………………….
39-I’m writing a letter. (What) ………………………………………………………….
Read and correct the underlined words:
1-A farmer types letters and uses computers .
2-A baker keeps animals and grows plants .
3-A sales assistant sells bread and other things ..
4-A doctor examine patients .
5-Aza don't works in a hospital near her home
6-A doctor works in a big bank . 7-I like watch TV
8-He deliver letters to companies .
9-She wants to is an actress .
10-Nada works in a tourist companies
11--Amira were reading now 12-he don’t mind apples . 13-I ‘d like any dessert . 14-How many bread do you want ? 15-What would you like to drink ? meat ,please 16-How much cooking juice do you want ? 17-Is there any animals in the zoo? 18-What can we have in dinner ? 19- Amiragoes home in three o'clock. 20- This year my teacher was Mrs Hala 21- We, has got Arabic every day. 22-Hee goes home back on foot yesterday . 23-while I have coffee , Samy visited me . 2 4-what was you doing when Ali came ? 25- Her holiday is in Sunday. 26- I has got school from Saturday to Thursday. 36- The people in Turkey speak Turkey. 37-get up at half to seven. 37- She have got history after the break. 38- We have got science on quarter to ten. 39- She have got a large house . 40- They has got many books . 41- The people in Turkey speak Turkey. 42- didn't meet someone in the office. 43- She is late for her first lesson yesterday. 44- Anyone ate the apples when we went out 45-Say when the sports hall is.. 46-cars are made from metal 47-if you add fifteen by twenty ,we will get thirty –five . 48-pupils made science experiments in science lab . 49-if you study ,you would succeed 51-if a tourist visit Egypt ,he will see monuments . 52- Helen Keller could not see because she was deaf. 53- How many water can horses drink? 54- A blind person can see. 55- Where do you go last Monday? 56- He went to hospital so he was very ill. 57- You can get on the supermarket by bike. 58-In Sunday ,Heba has got Science . 59-I have got Arabic on ten o'clock . 60-She was born at Augusts. 61-Yoko speak Japanese 62-Japanese writing was difficult . 63-if you divide fifty in five ,you will get ten. 64--if she writes a good poem ,she will won a prize. 65-Last year ,my teacher is Mr.Khaled . 66-The boy eat ice cream now . 67- don't go to the library yesterday. 68-Please .Come from me. 69-I will ask my teacher to help. 70-It's upstairs in the second floor 71-The hall is next on the library . 72-Hannan is 5 kilograms heavy than Huda . 73-They has got three sons and a daughter . 74-How heavy is the River Nile ? 75-How age is your sister? 76-She didn't see someone in the school 77-Huda studies careful. 78 -Stand down and walk to the board. 79-Excuse me ,when is the science lab ? 80-Is you a student ? 81- Salma is late for her first lesson last Saturday. 82-I'll meet my friend at Tuesday. 83Tourists will see the treasures on the afternoon. 84-Tourists will travel to Egypt on plane. 85-Classroom Two is opposite to the 86-The sport hall are on this floor. 87-I will ask my Teacher for helps . 88-I plays football in the playground. 89-We get on half past six . 90-I was late on the first lesson 91-Ahmed has English after broke . 92-My teacher doesn't get angry on me 93-Today ,I dreamed that I was riding an elephant. 94-My family shouted when I scored a g Maha can’t ride the book . 95-She can’t carry the bag because it is too empty. 96-She is too tired that watch TV.
97-It’s too hot to her to drink .
98-He doesn’t watch too many TV.
99-there are too much pupils in the class.
100-People put letter in bins.
101-People which drop litter in the street should pay a fine.
102-We shouldn’t get up early .
103-She put too many sugar in the tea .
104-oat. heba was late because she didn’t catch the bus .
105-you can receive the inter net in your mobile .
106-how much is the nearest bank ? it is about 400 metres .
107where do you go last Friday ?
108you can buy medicine at the chemist .
109-She saw an exciting poem .
110-A mother looks over her child .
111-Our teacher on English is very kind .
112-When she was running ,she fell down .
113-Hala were listening to music in The after noon .
114-Listen ! she SANG a good song.
115-this suit بدلة fats me .
116-Don't run football in the street .
117-I should eat milk every morning .
118-Omar can held his chair up for 20 seconds .
119-Ali can't rode a donkey .
120-How is the height of your brother Zaki ?
121-Ali can drink 100 kilograms .
122-A camel can live to the old of forty .- 123-this is the tourist which paid the fine 124-This is the mosque where we live .
125-we were happy when Mona cut herself . 126- How much people were there in the party? 127- I drank a few water because I was very thirsty. 128- She has many homework to do. 129- There are too much clothes in the bag. I can’t close it. 130- They are to old to play football.3- You shall go to school on time.
131- A computer is the machine who controls electronic information. 132- A postman is the person which delivers mails 133- A café is a place that we can take some coffee.
Choose the correct answer. 1-….. I was playing ,I fell down .(When -At- While )
2-Manal ……a story when Ahmed phoned her .(was reading –reads-read)
3-While I……. TV ,my father arrived at home .(watching-watched-was watching)
4-When they e-mailed, Aya …..an orange .(eats-was eating –ate)
5-While my grandfather was drinking coffee ,the light …out (go-goes-went)
6-Last night we …..a new film .(watch-watched-watching)
7-They visited Aswan two years ….(for-ago-age)
8-When she ….at primary ,she got high marks .(was-is-are-were)
9-Manal …..a white blouse and blue skirt .(wore-put-caught )
10-Hesham is wearing a white ….(skirt-jumper-blouse)
11-She is ….to music now .(listens-listening-listened)
12-Ahmed was .when I went home back .(sleeping-sleeps-slept)
13-Look ! Dina is …..some flowers .(hold-holds-holding )
14-….Ali holding a camera ?(Is-Are-Am)
15-A helicopter was …..in the sky .(fl-flies-flying )
16-A woman with a baby was ….the road .(cross-crossing-crossed
17-Can you touch your …..30 times ? (food-feel-feet)
18-This food has a good …. (smell-smile-small)
19-I can … a bike. .(read-ride-rid)
20-The player …. The ball into the goal .(typed-laughed-kicked)
21-Can you ….loudly ? (shout-shouted-shouts)
22-I can jump …and down . (in-on-up)
23-She can't stand …one leg for a long time . (in-on-at)
24-Can you swim ?yes, I …..…(can't-can-have)
25-in the future , people …..be able to live on the moon.(will-was-went) 26-Can you tell me the …..please ? It’s seven o’clock .(name-time –way ) 27-On Fridays students …..go to school .(doesn’t-won’t-wasn’t) 28-What time ……the tourists leave Cairo ?tomorrow .(do-did-will) 29-Will you travel tomorrow ? Yeas , I ….(won’t-can-was) 30-There is (many – should – enough) tea to make tea 31 -The bus is very crowded. There are (too – too many – too much)people. 32-Rahana is (to – two – too) clever to answer this question. 33- You (shall – should – enough) go to bed early. 34- Mohamed is tall (much – many – enough) to reach this cupboard. 35- There is (too many – should – too much) water in the glass. 36- There is (too many – too much – enough) sugar in the tea. I can’t drink it. 37- There is (too many – too much – enough) sugar in the tea. It is nice. 38-A doctor ….sick people .(looks for –looks after –looks like ) 39-the teacher made two ….that we were happy .(watch-tea-puzzles) 40-we should …our environment clean .(start-keep-mean) 41-Enviroment ….nature and places where we live and work .(keeps-means-cleans) 42-how was your teacher ?he was …(lazy-new-great) 43-we learned many things ….nature .(on-of –about ) 44-Ali loves….puzzles.(playing-doing-watching ) 45-A doctor is a person ….examines patients .(where-who-which) 55-An elephant is an animal ….we can see in the zoo. .(where-who-which) 56-A chair is a thing … you can sit on . .(where-who-which) 57-a beach should be a clean place ….we can sit on . .(where-who-which) 58-a bin is a place ….we can sit on . .(where-who-which) 59-If we put glass in water ,it …(sinks-sank-will sink 60-If we put a piece of wood on water ,it will …(fly-float-sink) 61-If you look at the mirror you ….see yourself .(would-will-should) 62-Some trousers are ….of wool .(taken-given-made) 63-If you ….twelve by five ,you will get sixty .(multiply –add- take away) 64-If you …six away from ten ,you will get four.(add- multiply-take) 65-….didn’t you do your homework ?because I was ill .(what-why-where) 66-Ahmed can’t see the match because e is too ….(comfort-easy-busy) 67-Maha can’t get the book because it’s too …(small-thin-high) 68-Tamer is too …to catch the bus .(tall-fast –late ) 69-I can’t drink the tea as it was …hot .(to-two-too) 70-There is too ….sugar in the tea .(many-any-much )
71-my …is to study harder .(advice-advise-play)
72-too much food makes you …(thin-tall-fat )
73-this question is too difficult …her to answer .(to-for-with)
74-Mona didn’t have …….money to buy a car .(many-enough-some)
75-People ……litter in the streets .(can-should-shouldn’t )
76-Children should stop ……with matches .(play-playing-played)
77-There are too ……bins in the streets .(many-much-some)
78-She ……to put sugar in the tea .(forgot-picked-brought)
79-These bottles are not empty ,they are .…(clean-small-full)
80-We are ………..to watch TV.(busy-too busy-busy enough)
81-If you aren’t fit ,you ……do exercises.( would-should-shouldn’t)
82-Ahmed is Egyptian and his language is ……(Arabic-English –Japanses)
83-Magdy has got school….Sunday to Thursday .(at-on-from).
84-This is Ahmed Adel Fouad .His ….name is Fouad.(first-last-second)
85-Amal …born in Cairo .(is-was-were-has)
86-I think that she ….T V now .(watch-watches-is watching )
87- the Arabic…….is difficult .(grammar-lessons-words)
89-The Young Boy IS …the bike (riding-reading-throwing)
90-What subjects ….she got on Monday .(has-do-have)
91-What are you ….now ?(do-did-doing)
92- My dad's father is my .(aunt –grandfather –uncle ) 93-My uncle's son is my …(aunt-cousin-uncle ) 94-Uncle Adel is ….but uncle Ali is single .(Married-marries-marry) 95-My sister is ….Mona .(calls-calling-called)
96-I ….got two sisters .(has-have-had)
97-How ..does it cost ?(many-much-often )
98-My daughter …Nada .(calls-be called-is called)
99-My brother is married …Heba .(to-for-from)
100-Hesham ……got three brothers .(have-has-will have
101-Mona has a pen friend …Liza (calls-called-is called)
102-Ali was born …Cairo .(in-on-at)
103-Heba works …a shop.(in-on-at)
104-….is her job?(How-What-Where)
105-….do they watch TV?(Where-When-What)
106-What ….his job?(Is being-is-has)
107-What is he ….?(call-calls-called)
108-What .....are you?(old-age-ago)
109-Find the age ,weight and .....of people in your family .( high-height-higher)
110-He is one metre 15 cm ....(higher-tall-height)
111-.......fast is a plane?(what-where-how)
112-Huda is the ....girl in the Class.(tall-taller-tallest)
113-The hippo is .....than the lion .(heavy-heavier-older)
114-Ali is as .....as Omar.(oldest-old-older)
115-The giraffe is ........the elephant.(taller than-as tall-the tallest)
116-how ......is your bag ?(weight-many-heavy)
117-What is the ….of your father ?(ago-age-old)
118-Ahmed is …..than Ali .(short-taller-fastest)
119-A car is …than a cart .(fast-faster-fastest)
120-How ….is the house ?(height-tall-deep)
121-….old is Nabil?(How-Where-When)
122-She is two years …..than her sister .(old-older-oldest)
123- How many students (is – are – isn’t) there in your class?
124- I’m going to buy (some – any – not) eggs.
125- There aren’t (some – any – not) restaurants in this part of the town.
126- Do you have (some – any – not) brothers or sisters?
127- Would you like (some – any – an) apples?
128- I bought (an – a – the) newspaper.
129- My brother is (a – an – the) artist. 130- (A – An – The) sun shines in the morning. 131- I’d like a (bag – packet – tube) of toothpaste. 132- Mum bought a (bag – jar – kilo) of tomatoes. 133- I’d like to buy a (bar – kilo – jar) of jam. 134- (Eat – Feed – fed) the chickens please 135- Kamal is (eating – feeding – ate) an apple. 136- I can see a man over there. (A – An – The) man is standing near the window. 137- Would you like a (bag – bottle – bar) of chocolate? 138- I bought two (jars – kilos – bottles) of oil. 139- I like reading. I have (much – a lot of – a little) books. 140 - How (much – many – a lot of) students are there in your class 141-She doesn’t have (many – a lot of – much) time. 142- I have (a little – a few – much) friends, not many. 143- She didn’t eat anything, but drank (a few – many – a little) water. 144- There were (a little – a few – much) people in the park. 145- How (much – many – a lot of) oil is there in the bottle? 146- It costs (a few – many – much ) money to travel round the world. 147 -I speak (a few – a little – many) Spanish not much. 148-What is ……vehicle?(slow-slower than-the slowest) 149-A plane is …than a cart .(lighter –shorter-newer-faster) 150-How ……will you stay in there?(deep-long-fast) 151-I go to school to …… English.(learn-learns-learning) 152-How ……is Lena? 153- years old.(tall-heavy-old)6-How……is this desk?- 154-kilograms.(tall-long-heavy) 155-My bag ……10 kilograms .(weigh-weighs-weight) 156-…..time will the play start ?(what-when –why ) 157-she will ….next month .(travel-travels-traveled) 158-What time is it now ?It’s half ….seven .(too-to-past) 159- What time is it now ?It’s twenty …ten .(paste-two-to) 160-tourists come to Egypt to see its …(fields-treasures-airports) 162-we go shopping ..... Fridays.(in-on-at) 163-Egypt is famous ….its museums .(far-for-from)
Finish the following dialogue with these words:
like - pounds - sell - help - buy
Assistant : Can I ........(1)....... you, sir?
Sami : Yes, please. I want to ......(2)..... a T-shirt.
Assistant : What colour do you ......(3)......?
Sami : Blue, please. Size 36.
Assistant : Here you are. It's thirty .......(4)...... .
Sami : Here's the money. Thank you.
Finish the following dialogue with these words:
see - should - Why - When – too
Soha : .....(1).... didn't you go to school last week,Mona?
Mona : I was ........(2)...... ill to go to school.
Soha : Did you .......(3)...... a doctor?
Mona : Yes, of course. He said I had a very bad cold.
Soha : It think you .....(4)...... have more rest. Mona : You're right.
Finish the following dialouge with these words:
a - old - the - thirty - what
Samira : How ........(1)..... is your big sister, Amira?
Amira : She's .......(2)........ . Samira : ......(3)...... does she do?
Amira : She's .....(4)... secretary in an office in Cairo.
Finish the following dialogue with these words:
will - next - Would - idea – to
Wael : .....(1)..... you like to visit the Egyptian Museum?
Kamal : Yes. That's a good .........(2)....... .
Wael : When will we be able ......(3)..... go?
Kamal : At nine o'clock ......(4)..... Monday.
Finish the following dialogue with these words:
weigh - old - tall - heavy - meter
Teacher : How .......(1)........ are you, Samir?
Samir : I'm one .....(2)...... fifty-eight centimeters.
Teacher : And how .....(3)...... are you?
Samir : I ......(4)...... 50 kilograms.
Teacher: Fine! You'll play in the school basketball team.
Finish the following dialogue with these words:
live - businessman - do - called - name
Magda What's your uncle's ..........(1)...,..,.., Huda?
Huda Hani Sabri
Magda What does he .......(2)..,.... ? Huda He's a .......(3)........ .
Magda Where does he ........(4)........ ? Huda In Aswan.
Finish the following dialogue with these words:
good - about - How - friends - on
Mother : .....(1)-.-. was your first day at school, Soha?
Soha : Great! I met some old .......(2)...... .
Mother : What ........(3)...... your teachers?
Soha : They're very ......(4)....., mum.
Finish the following dialogue with these words:
It - last - my - name - first
Huda : Hello. What's your .........(1)..........?
Samia : Hello. .......(2)..... name is Samia.
Huda : What's your .......(3)......... name?
Samia : .......(4)..... is Omar.

Read and match :
a- for helping me.
b- helps patients,
c- at five o'clock,
d- single or married?
e- the time, please?
f- to different countries.
1- My father always goes
2- Is your uncle
3- Can you tell me
4- We finish work
5- Thank you
Read and match :
1- The human body is a- when she was four .
2- Please tell me about b- they can run .
3- Soha could speak English c- very hot too
4- They can walk and d- a horse's height .
f- a fantastic thing
Read and match :
a- visit the pyramids of Giza.
b- playing volleyball?
c- rest in a comfortable hotel in Cairo,
d- to the Science Museum on Sunday?
e- about trips to Luxor and Aswan,
f- for ten days.
1- Will you go
2- The tourists will
3- Peter will stay in Egypt
4- Read this advertisement
5- I would like you to

Punctuate the following sentences:
1- why does ahmed live in egypt
2- noha and hany went to aswan last saturday
3- he s going to france next march
4- hassan and i can speak english well
5- how re you today kamal
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
المراجعة العامة والنهائية فى مادة اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الأول الإعدادى الفصل الدراسى الأول
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
دار المعارف التعليمية :: المناهج الدراسية المرحلة الإعدادية :: مادة اللغة الإنجليزية :: الصف الأول الإعدادى :: الفصل الدراسى الأول-
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