دار المعارف التعليمية
دار المعارف التعليمية
دار المعارف التعليمية
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دار المعارف التعليمية

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 ما ورد في امتحانات السنوات السابقة على قصة الانجليزى 3 اعدادى ترم اول

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مس ريهام

المساهمات : 82
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/03/2010

ما ورد في امتحانات السنوات السابقة على قصة الانجليزى 3 اعدادى ترم اول Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: ما ورد في امتحانات السنوات السابقة على قصة الانجليزى 3 اعدادى ترم اول   ما ورد في امتحانات السنوات السابقة على قصة الانجليزى 3 اعدادى ترم اول Icon_participateالجمعة أكتوبر 12, 2012 3:37 pm

ما ورد في امتحانات السنوات السابقة على القصة:
A) Questions with model answers:
1-What was Professor Lidenbrock?
• He was a great scientist and geologist.
2-Where did Axel live? Why?
• Axel lived with his uncle because his parents had already died.
3-Why couldn't Lidenbrock read the message?
• Because the letters were mixed up and it was written in a secret code.
4- Why did Lidenbrock think the message was written in Latin?
• Because scientists in the 16th century wrote about their discoveries in Latin
5-What was Arne Saknussemm?
• He was a famous Icelandic scientist who had made many important discoveries.
6- How could Axel break the secret code?
• He could break the code by chance when he read some Latin words.
7- Why did Axel decide to burn the parchment?
• He didn't want his uncle to know about the journey.
8-What was Sneffels?
• It was an extinct volcano that hadn't erupted since the year 1229.
9-What did Axel and his uncle prepare for the journey?
• They prepared guns, tools and scientific instruments for the journey.
10-How did they travel to Copenhagen?
• They sailed to Copenhagen by steamer.
11- How did Dr Fridrikson help Axel and his uncle?
• He gave them some information about Sneffels and arranged for a guide called Hans to take them to Sneffels .He also explained them the geology of Iceland.
12-What was Axle's terrible dream?
• He dreamt he was inside a volcano when it erupted.
13-How did the farmers (Icelanders) help them?
• The farmers were kind and gave them food and drink unpaid.
14-Which crater would lead to the center of the earth ?
• The middle one. That the shadow of Scartaris would touch at the end of 3une.
15-Why did Axel feel very tired?
• Axel felt very tired because the way was going up.
16-Why did Hans cry out?
• He cried out in pain because the water was almost boiling.
17- How could the professor calculate their place?
• By using his scientific instruments.
18- Why did Axel feel pain in his ears?
• This was because of the air increased pressure.
19-What did his uncle advise him to do and why?
• He advised him to breathe quickly to relieve pressure.
20-What happened when Axel turned to speak to his uncle?
• He didn't find him nor Hans.
B) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1-When Axle's parents had died,.........................
• he came to live with his uncle.
2- Martha...........................................................
• was Lidenbrock's cook.
3- To make the letters bigger, the professor used..............
• a magnifying glass.
4- Axel wanted to give up the journey because..................
•they used up all their water.
5-Sneffels has several craters but......................................
•only one leads to the centre of the earth.
6-The Icelanders were kind people because ..................
•they gave them food and drink.
7- Sneffels is an ...............................................................
• extinct volcano and a huge mountain.
8-Axel and his uncle prepared...........................
• guns, tools and food for the journey .
9-Axel thought it was impossible to go on this journey as........
•the centre of the earth was very hot.
10-The professor didn't eat or sleep because....................
•he couldn't read the parchment.
11- ArneSaknussemm....................................................
•was the writer of the parchment.
12-Snori was................................................................
• the writer of the old book.
13- The Danish scientist gave the professor and Axel......
• letters of introduction.
14-.Dr Fridrikson was helpful........................................
• because he arranged a guide for them called Hans to take them to Sneffels and explained the geology of Iceland.
15-The Icelandic countryside was.................................
• very bleak.
16-They camped at............................................................
• the edge of the crater.
17- The crater of Sneffels was shaped...........................
• like an ice cream cone.
18- Scientifically ,the professor thought that..................
• the centre of the earth was not hot.
19-They went down the chimney .................................
• by using ropes.
20-The shadow of Scartaris fell on the middle chimney
• on 28th of June.

نماذج أسئلة
A- Answer the following questions :
1 - When did Axel come to live with his uncle?
2- How was Dr Fridrikson helpful to the professor and Axel?
3- Why did Hans cry out in pain when the jet of water hit him?
4- Who was able to break the secret code of the parchment? How?
B- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences :
5- Axel believed that the journey to the centre of the Earth would be impossible because............................................................
6- The crater of Sneffels was shaped like .......................................
(2) A) Answer the following questions:
1-Why couldn't the professor understand the writing of the parchment?
2- Did Professor Lidenbrock tell anyone about the journey?
3- How did Axel and the professor feel about making a journey to the centre of the Earth ?
4-What did the rocks of the chimney's walls prove to the professor?
B) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences :
5- After they had walked for a whole day in the western passage, they heard...........................................................................
6- Axel was in great despair when...........................................
(3) A) Answer the following questions :
1- What was Lidenbrock's job?
2- Why was Lidenbrock excited when he looked at the parchment?
3-How did the three men descend to the bottom of the chimney?
4- Where did the running water come from?
B) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences;
5- Sneffels had several craters, but only one led ............... .
6- The Icelanders were kind to Lidenbrock, Axel and Hans because...
(4) A) Answer the following questions:
1- How did Axel break the secret code?
2- What did professor Lidenbrock say about the centre of the Earth?
3- Who had travelled to the centre of the Earth before?
4- Why did Hans make a hole in the rock?
B) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences :
6- For the journey, the professor and Axel prepared........ and ......... .
5- When Axel's parents had died, he..........................................
(5) A) Answer the following questions :
1- Why did Axel have to live with his uncle?
2- Why couldn't professor Lidenbrock understand the parchment? 3 - How did professor Lidenbrock and Axel travel to Copenhagen?
4-Why did Axel feel tired in the eastern path?
B- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences ;
5- Professor Lidenbrock used a magnifying glass to........................
6- Sneffels was.................................
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ما ورد في امتحانات السنوات السابقة على قصة الانجليزى 3 اعدادى ترم اول
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