دار المعارف التعليمية
دار المعارف التعليمية
دار المعارف التعليمية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

دار المعارف التعليمية

ثقافى تعليمى تكنولوجى
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
أهلا من جديد يا زائر آخر زيارة لك لمنتدى دار المعارف التعليمية كانت في الأربعاء ديسمبر 31, 1969
آخر عضو مسجل اسلام سامي فمرحبا بك ، نورت منتدى دار المعارف يا لوول


 تدريبات خطيرة على انجليزى سادسة ابتدائى نصف العام لا تفوتك

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر حمدى

المساهمات : 86
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/03/2010

تدريبات خطيرة على انجليزى سادسة ابتدائى نصف العام لا تفوتك  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: تدريبات خطيرة على انجليزى سادسة ابتدائى نصف العام لا تفوتك    تدريبات خطيرة على انجليزى سادسة ابتدائى نصف العام لا تفوتك  Icon_participateالإثنين يوليو 30, 2012 7:52 am

Finish the following dialogue with these words:
[When – from – old – What - Where]
Teacher: . . . (1) . . . are you from?
Pupil: I am . . . (2) . . . Aswan?
Teacher: . . . (3) . . . is your name?
Pupil: My name is Tamer.
Teacher: . . . (4) . . . were you born?
Pupil: I was born in 1996.

Finish the following dialogue with these words:
did – go – went – see – animals
Ali: Hi, Ahmed.
Ahmed: Hi, Ali.
Ali: Where did you . . . (1) . . . yesterday?
Ahmed: I and my father . . . (2) . . . to the zoo?
Ali: What did you . . . (3) . . . there?
Ahmed: We saw lots of . . . (4). ...
Ali: Did you enjoy?
Ahmed: Yes, I . . . (5) . . .

Finish the following dialogue with these words:
Do – goals – Let's – good - like
Tamer: . . . (1) . . . play football at six o'clock.
Ali: It's a . . . (2) . . . idea.
Tamer: . . . (3) . . . you like playing football.
Ali: Yes, I like playing football very much. I like scoring. . (4). . .

Finish the following dialogue with these words:
on – When – How – mustn't
Dalia: . . . (1) . . .did you arrive at school?
Mona: I arrived late and the teacher was angry.
Dali: You must come to school . . . (2) . . . time. You . . . (3) . . . come to school late.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
1- Hani: This is my friend Tamer.
Ali: ____________________
a) Good bye. b) Fine. c) Hello.

2- Dalia: Did you visit the Valley of the Kings?
Mona: ___________________
a) Yes, I did. b) Yes, I do. c) Yes, I have.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
Dina: When did you visit the park?
Hind: ______________________
a) Today. b) Yesterday. c) Tomorrow.

Teacher: _________________________?
Pupil: I am from Tanta.
a) What's your name? b) How old are you? c) Where are you from?

Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
Miss Mona: You must come to school on time.
Pupil: _______________________?
a) I am fine. b) I am happy. c) I am sorry

Huda: I sent you a postcard.
Dalia: ________________________
a) I am sorry. b) Thank you. c) Good bye.

Finish the sentences with:
must – mustn't
1- You - - - - - forget your books.
2- You - - - - - - be tidy.
3- You - - - - - - work hard at school.
4- You - - - - - - come to school late.
5- You - - - - - - come to school on time.
6- You - - - - - - come to school early.
7- You - - - - - - use a mobile in hospitals.
8- You - - - - - - walk on the grass.
9- You - - - - - - wear a helmet when you are riding a bike.
10- You - - - - - - be noisy at school.

Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences
1- on – Yesterday – holiday – we – went.
2- took – My – lots of – father – photos.
3- is – This – my – new – friend.
4- wear – You – a – must – helmet.
5- like – I – football – playing.
6- scoring – likes – Ali – goals.
7- get – We – milk – from – a goat.
8- from – Aswan –She – is.
9- play – Let's – football.
10- you – Did – near – Aswan – live?
11- is – of – amazing – the – Valley – Kings – of – The.
12- here – You – swim – mustn't.
13- eat – Crocodiles – big – fish.
14- use – Can – I – mobile – your?
15- riding – She – bikes – likes.
16- reading – books – like – they.
17- visit – Let's – zoo – the .
18- turn – You – must – left.
19- you – I – a – sent – postcard.
20- a – It's – idea – good.

Choose the correct answer:
1- Yesterday we (go – went – going) to Giza.
2- We get milk from (cats – goats – coats).
3- I am (far – for – from) Cairo.
4- My father (take – takes – took) lots of photos yesterday.
5- Yesterday I (visits – visited – visit) the Alexandria library.
6- Let's (play – played – plays) football.
7- You (must – mustn't – shouldn't) come on time.
8- (Do – Did – Can) I borrow your book?
9- You (must – should – mustn't) shout in a class.
10- You must (right – ride – write).

أكتب ماضى هذه الأفعال Write the past of these verbs:
________ see ________ go
________ send ________ take
________ eat ________ come
________ help ________ visit
________ borrow ________ use
opposite word

Write the opposite:

Punctuate the following sentences:
1- my friend is from luxor
2- i went to cairo last Monday
3- what did maher do last saturday
4- ahmed and amr live near aswan
5- did dalia eat an apple
6- you mustnt come to school late
Read and match:
(B) (A)
a) Mona.
b) I am from Giza.
c) No, she didn't.
d) His name is Hani. 1- What's his name?
2- Did Dalia play football?
3- Who visited Luxor?
4- Where are you from?

Read and match:
(B) (A)
a) I went to the park.
b) is far.
c) new friend.
d) on time.
1- The opposite of near
2- You must come to school
3- Where did you go?
4- This is my
Read and match:
(B) (A)
a) playing football.
b) Last Friday.
C) lots of animals.
d) Let's play football.
1- When did you go on holiday?
2- What did you see in the zoo?
3- I don't like swimming
4- We like
Read and match:
(B) (A)
a) Here you are.
b) tidy.
d) when you cross the road.
d) in the street.
1- You must be
2- Look left and right
3- You mustn't throw litter
4- Can I use your mobile?

Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
1- Mona's family - - - - - - - to Cairo last Friday.
a) go b) goes c) went
2- Tamer - - - - - - - lots of photos on last holiday.
a) took b) take c) takes
3- Cold is the opposite of - - - - - -
a) tidy b) hot c) clean
4- The crocodile is - - - - - - - -
a) big b) small c) new
5- You - - - - - - throw litter in the street.
a) should b) must c) mustn't
6- You must come to school on - - - - - -
a) take b) time c) team
7- The - - - - - - - has got four legs.
a) hen b) boy c) goat
8- You must - - - - - - - old people.
a) help b) helping c) helped
9- I like riding my - - - - - - - on the holiday.
a) kite b) bag c) bike
10- What do children like - - - - - - -?
a) eat b) eats c) eating
11- Let's have a rest. I am - - - - - - -
a) happy b) tall c) tired
12- Let's - - - - - - - a book.
a) reading b) reads c) read
13- We like - - - - - - - goals.
a) score b) scores d) scoring
14- Do you like playing tennis? Yes, I - - - - - -
a) do b) did c) didn't
15- Mona - - - - - - - playing basketball.
a) like b) liking c) likes
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
تدريبات خطيرة على انجليزى سادسة ابتدائى نصف العام لا تفوتك
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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دار المعارف التعليمية :: المناهج الدراسية المرحلة الإبتدائية :: السادس الإبتدائى :: اللغة الإنجليزية :: الفصل الدراسى الأول-
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