Questions and answersأسئلة وإجابات
Where is / are ……………………..? It is / They are in …………………..
Where is the Cairo Tower? ⇒ It is in Cairo.
Where is the Sphinx? ⇒ It is in Giza.
Where are the Pyramids? ⇒ They are in Giza.
Where is the Eiffel Tower? ⇒ It is in Paris.باريس ( عاصمة فرنسا )
Where is the CN Tower? ⇒ It is in Toronto.تورنتو ( في كندا )
Where is the Galata Tower? ⇒ It is in Istanbul.إسطنبول ( في تركيا )
Where is Big Ben? ⇒ It is in London.
Where is the Telecom Tower? ⇒ It is in London.
Where is the Milad Tower? ⇒ It is in Tehran. طهران ( عاصمة إيران )
1} How high is the Great Pyramid?
⇒ It’s one hundred and thirty-seven metres high.
2} How high is the Eiffel Tower?
⇒ It’s 324 metres high.
3} How high is the CN Tower?
⇒ It’s 553 metres high.
4} How high is the Galata Tower?
⇒ It’s 67 metres high.
5} How high is Big Ben?
⇒ It’s 96 metres high.
6} How high is the Sphinx?
⇒ It’s 20 metres high.
7} How high is the Telecom Tower?
⇒ It’s 175 metres high.
8} How high is the Milad Tower?
⇒ It’s 435 metres high.
9} How high is the Cairo Tower?
⇒ It’s 187 metres high.
10} How high is the High Dam?
⇒ It’s 111 metres high.
تستخدم كلمة الاستفهام Why…? للسؤال عن السبب
Why do you want to be + اسم الوظيفة ?
Because لأن + I + like + verb – ing
To + الفعل في المصدر
1) Why do want to be a doctor?
⇒ Because I like helping sick people.
2) Why do want to be an athlete?
⇒ Because I like running.
3) Why do you want to be an English teacher?
⇒ Because I like speaking English.
4) Why do you want to be an engineer?
⇒ Because I like making new things.
5) Why do you want to be a teacher?
⇒ Because I like teaching pupils.
6) Why do you want to be a footballer?
⇒ Because I like scoring goals.
7) Why do you want to be a vet?
⇒ Because I like helping animals.
Why do you want to be a diver?
⇒ Because I like saving people’s lives.
9) Why do you want to be a housewife?
⇒ Because I like helping my family.
10) Why do you want to be a farmer?
⇒ Because I like growing vegetables and fruit.
11) Why do you want to be a driver?
⇒ Because I like driving cars and buses.
12) Why do you want to be a pilot?
⇒ Because I like flying planes.
13) Why do you want to be a carpenter?
⇒ Because I like making furniture.
14) Why do you want to be a singer?
⇒ Because I like singing songs.
15) Why do you want to be a swimmer?
⇒ Because I like swimming in the sea.
16) Why do you want to be a nurse?
⇒ Because I like helping sick people.
17) Why do you go to school?
⇒ To learn.
18) Why are you going to the hospital?
⇒ To visit my grandfather.
19) Why are you going to the club?
⇒ To play football.
20) Why are you going to the cinema?
⇒ To watch a new film.
أهم التعبيرات والمصطلحات التي وردت بالمنهج
في إجازة on holiday
مكتبة الإسكندرية the Alexandria Library
وادي الريان Wadi El Rayyan
تمساح صغير baby crocodile
السد العالي the High Dam
الأهرامات the Pyramids
الهرم الأكبر the Great Pyramid
أنا من أسوان. I am from Aswan
وادي الملوك The Valley of the Kings
أرسل لي بطاقة بريدية sent me a postcard
في الوقت المحدد on time
في حجرة الدراسة in the classroom
يفعل الواجب المنزلي do the homework
هذه اللافتة تعني ....... This sign means …..
يركب دراجة ride a bike
أشارات المرور traffic lights
ينظر يساراً ويميناً look left and right
الترتيب الأبجدي alphabetical order
يسجل أهداف is scoring goals
الصحراء الغربية the Western Desert
مياه ورمال نقية pure water and sand
يرسل بريد إلكتروني send an e-mail
خضراء جداً very green
حجرة الكمبيوتر computer room
نخيل palm trees
منازل تقليدية traditional houses
عربة يجرها الحمار donkey cart
مشهور بـ famous for
مصري مشهور famous Egyptian
ولد في ...... was born in + سنة
يتحدث عن talk about
هذا صحيح. That’s right.
هذا خطأ. That’s wrong.
أحسنت. Well done.
يغوص في المياه is diving in the water
منتجع جميل beautiful resort
الأسبوع الماضي last week
البحر الأحمر the Red Sea
جبل سيناء Mount Sinai
أريد أن أكون ...... I want to be a / an …… .
رياضي an athlete
ما الوقت؟ What time?
حياه الناس people’s lives
وقعت من علي دراجتي. I fell off my bike.
ضع الثلج. Put ice.
ضع شريط لاصق. Put a plaster.
أغسل الجرح. Wash the cut.
ليلة سعيدة ( تصبح علي خير ). Good night.
الحياة الصحية healthy living
إفطار جيد good breakfast
أبذل قصارى جهدك. Do your best.
كلمة "دقيق" تعني صغير جداً. Tiny means very small.
الدب حيوان. A bear is an animal.
يلتقط صورة take a photo
يرمي قمامة throw litter
قناة صغيرة small canal
تليفون محمول mobile phone
يأتي إلي المدرسة في الوقت المحدد come to school on time
يعمل بجد في المدرسة work hard at school
يكون منظما be tidy
يكون هادئ be quiet
ينسي كتبة forget his books
يصرخ في الفصل shout in the classroom
يستيقظ wake up = get up
يأتي متأخراً إلي المدرسة arrive late at school
يفعل الواجب do homework
يساعد أمه help his mum
ينسي الجاكت forget jacket
يلبس خوذة wear a helmet
الخروج من هنا exit here
يدخن في المستشفي smoke in hospital
الطعام الصحي healthy food
يتعلم عن learn about
برج القاهرة The Cairo Tower
برج إيفل The Eiffel Tower
برج كندا القومي The CN Tower
المصريين القدماء the Ancient Egyptians
برج جلاتا the Galata Tower
ساعة بج بن Big Ben
ما ارتفاع .........؟ How high is …………?
ارتفاعه عشرة متر ten metres high
أين تكون ..... ؟ Where is …………?
نشرة سياحية tourist leaflet
كيف كانت رحلتك؟ How was your trip?
درجة الحرارة 30 درجة مئوية. It’s 30 degrees.
عرض الصوت والضوء the Sound and Light Show
الجانب الجنوبي the south side
بحيرة ناصر Lake Nasser
قرية صغيرة لصيادي السمك a tiny fishing village
جزر صغيرة little islands
معبد فيلة the Temple of Philae
أكثر برودة من colder than
أكثر حرارة من hotter than
أصغر من smaller than
مجوهرات مذهلة amazing jewellery
مدرس إنجليزي English teacher
أريد أن أكون طياراً. I want to be a pilot.
أعضاء الجسم body parts
كسر ذراعه broke his arm
جرح أصبعه cut his fingers
خبط ذقنه banged his chin
تأذي زراعي ، ذراعي وجعني. I hurt my arm.
كثيراً من lots of = a lot of
مركز المدينة city centre
بحيرة المنزلة Lake Mansala
متى ولد نجيب محفوظ؟ When was Naguib Mahfouz born?
حبة الكمثري فاكهة. A Pear is a fruit.
ماذا تريد أن تكون؟ What do you want to be?
Famous People
Naguib Mahfouz
His name is Naguib Mahfouz. He was born in Cairo in 1927. He was a writer.
Taha Hussein
His name is Taha Hussein. He was born in Minia in 1889. He was a writer. He wrote a lot of famous books.
Umm Kulthum
Her name is Umm Kulthum. She was born in Dakahlia in 1904. She was a singer.
Abu Heif
His name is Abu Heif. He was born Alexandria in 1929. He was a swimmer.
Mohamed Elzanaty
His name is Mohamed El-Zanaty. He was born in Giza in 1929. He is a swimmer.
Hosam and Ibrahim Hassan
Their names are Hosam and Ibrahim Hassan. They were born in Cairo in 1966 .They are footballers.
Rania Elwani
Her name is Rania Elwani. She was born in Cairo in 1977. She is a swimmer.